Posted by North Jersey Massage Maywood, NJ

We live in a world where we are all overstimulated by noises, devices, career, education and universal chaos. We need to make time to escape and allow for our mind and body to relax. No need to travel far, you can stay in the comforts of your home and make the time and space for your escape by following these tips.
8 great indulge, pamper and enjoy at home tips:
Stretch - Start your day with a good stretch routine to loosen tight muscles. Hold each stretch for the count of 10-20 seconds. Breath to help to muscles relax.
Breathing exercises - Do deep breathing exercises to relax your mind and body. Inhale from your nose into your lower abdomen when you are ready big exhale from your mouth to release tension.
Meditation - Get into a comfortable position in a quiet room close your eyes and feel your body, feel the energy if there is tension anywhere relax the area, relax your mind, put yourself in a place that you enjoy or think about something you like and imagine yourself there. Pay attention to your breathing, relax and enjoy!
Take a walk - Get out breath the fresh air enjoy the sunshine and enjoy the nature around you.
Epsom salt bath - At home spa with great benefits. Epsom salt ( sulfate free magnesium chloride) is detoxifying, is a great way to absorb magnesium and aides in pain relief. Soak in Epsom salt bath for at least 20 minutes. Relax, breath, meditate and enjoy!
Enjoy reading a good book - Recommended books -
-Make Your Bed by William H. McRaven
- Mans Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
-Into the Magic Shop by James R. Doty, MD
At home massage - Enjoy a professional massage in the comforts of your home. Call to schedule your appointment.
Nutrition - Eat slowly, enjoy, feed your body food that will give you energy and the nutrients that you need. Enjoy a salad with lots of vegetables, add nuts and make your own healthy dressing.
Enjoy each escape, as you do it be in the moment and focus on the mind-body connection. You will truly enjoy the benefits!
At North Jersey Massage Maywood, NJ we offer Zen Stretch and Meditation Classes and a variety of Massage Services. To schedule your appointment call 201-406-8220
Wishing you health and happiness,
North Jersey Massage